Vue.js is one of the latest new frameworks to have piqued the interest of web developers due to its reactivity, reusable components, and e...

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Vue.js is one of the latest new frameworks to have piqued the interest of web developers due to its reactivity, reusable components, and e...
Laravel 5.4 for Beginners stands you up quickly Laravel, Mix and Vue.js. A step by step approach to building a sample application with on...
PHP Objects Patterns and Practice, Fourth Edition is revised and updated throughout. The book begins by covering PHP's object-ori...
PHPUnit Essentials - Get started with PHPUnit and learn how to write and test code using advanced technologies The ability to write uni...
Some study books and materials to prepare for JLPT N1 test. 1.日本語 総まとめ N1 series 日本語 総まとめ N1 文法 , 日本語 総まとめ N1 読解 , 日本語 総まとめ N1 漢字 ,...
Please note that this book exclusively covers Laravel 4. I've seen it way too many times. As your application grows, so does your slop...
Create Web Charts with D3 shows how to convert your data into eye-catching, innovative, animated, and highly interactive browser-based...