MongoDB in Action MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what m...

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MongoDB in Action MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what m...
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide Powerful and Scalable Data Storage Manage the huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web applicat...
MongoDB Applied Design Patterns Practical Use Cases with the Leading NoSQL Database Whether you’re building a social media site or an in...
日本語能力試験対策の決定版!『日本語総まとめ』シリーズ 「文法」「語彙」「漢字」「読解」の分野別学習で、受験に必要な言語知識を強化する『日本語総まとめ』シリーズ。 1日見開き2ページの学習しやすいレイアウトで、1冊6~8週で完成。 受験前に必要な学習内容の総仕上げができ...
Become a RAD hotshot with Yii, the world's most popular PHP framework Overview A series of projects to help you learn Yii and Rapi...
PHP and MySQL Web Development, 4 editions PHP and MySQL are popular open-source technologies that are ideal for quickly developing dat...
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design sh...
Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th edition This classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic pro...
Let's Learn Japanese Picture Dictionary Marlene Goodman Created by leading educators, these colorful, large-size dictionaries intro...
日本語能力試験N2予想問題集 Yosou Mondaishuu N2 (Book and 2 audio CD) This book is designed for the new JLPT test level N2. It includes one CD for t...
日本語能力試験問題集N3文法スピードマスタ Nihongo nouryoku shiken mondaishuu N3 bunpou speed master 日本語能力試験N3レベルの文法分野の対策問題集です。新試験のめざす方向性(「Can-Do-Statement」...
日本語能力試験問題集N3聴解スピードマスター Nihongo nouryoku shiken mondaishuu N3 choukai speed master 出版社 / 著者からの内容紹介: 本試験の出題形式に沿った豊富な練習問題。さらに模擬試験で実戦に備える。...
日本語能力試験問題集N3語彙スピードマスター Nihongo nouryoku shiken mondaishuu N3 goi speed master 日本語能力試験N3レベルの語彙分野の対策問題集です。新試験のめざす方向性(「Can-Do-Statement」...
耳から覚える日本語能力試験 N3 聴解 トレーニング - Mimi kara oboeru N3 choukai 日本国内・海外で7月と12月に行われる日本語能力試験。日本語の能力を客観的に測るテストとして、全世界で活用されています。 本書は、そのN3レベルの聴解...
耳から覚える日本語能力試験 N3 文法 トレーニング - Mimi kara oboeru N3 bunpou This new book by ALC was created especially for the new JLPT level N3. The N3 te...
短期マスター 日本語能力試験ドリル N5 - Tanki Master Drill N5 日本語能力試験で出題される試験科目(文字・語彙、文法、読解、聴解)をすべて1冊で勉強できる、N5レベルの問題集です。 短い期間ですべての科目を勉強できるので、苦手な科目を見つけた...
耳から覚える日本語能力試験 N4 文法トレーニング - Mimi Kara Oboeru Nihongo N4 book and CD 日本語能力 試験N4の機能語を網羅し、易→難順に配列。その機能語と関連の深い場面・語彙を考慮した例文を幅広く提示。形を覚えたかどうかを...
会話に挑戦中級前期からの日本語ロールプレイ: Kaiwa Ni Chousen (pdf+cd) 出版社 / 著者からの内容紹介: 学 習者同士がロールプレイを通して自分に何が足りなかったのか、どんな言語知識、言語表現が必要だったのかを認識し、言語習得して行くように構成...
にほんごチャレンジ N4 [文法と読む練習]- Nihongo Challenge N4 Grammar Reading JLPT 身近な登場人物たちの1年間のストーリーを追いながら、N4レベルの文法が学べる。 試験と同じ形式の問題もたくさん用意。 各課の「もうちょっと...
にほんごチャレンジN4 ことば - Nihongo Challenge vocabulary N4 好評シリーズの改訂版。日常生活でよく出会う場面や話題ごとに、たくさんのイラストや例文から、ことばを学べます。日本語能力試験N4対策にも。英語とポルトガル語翻訳つき。 ...
Minna no Nihongo - Kaiwa ( Videos ) 3E Corp | ISBN:4883191885 The Videos to the Minna no Nihongo Lessons - Like they are used in jap...
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to d...
PHP Advanced Ajax Architecture and Best Practices “I very much enjoyed how this book covers the full Ajax application lifecycle and not...
にほんごチャレンジ かんじ N4-N5 - Nihongo Challenge N4 N5 Kanji 好評の「にほんごチャレンジ3級〔ことばと漢字〕」の改訂版。 英語訳・ポルトガル語訳・韓国語訳が付いているので、 英語圏や中南米の学習者に大変喜ばれていま...
HTML5 Hacks Tips & Tools for Creating Interactive Web Applications With 90 detailed hacks, expert web developers Jesse Cravens and J...
Twitter Bootstrap Web Development How-To A hands-on introduction to building websites with Twitter Bootstrap's powerful front-end de...
HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development Master HTML5 Boilerplate web development with a robust set of templates to get your web projects done...
Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 is your introduction to the new features and elements of HTML5—as a w...
新完全マスタ 語彙 N2 - New Kanzen Master JLPT N2 Vocabulary The book is aimed at those planning to take the N2 level of the Japanese Language Pr...
新完全マスタ文法 N2 - New Kanzen Master JLPT Level 2 Grammar The book is aimed at those planning to take the N2 level of the Japanese Language...
新完全マスター 読解 N2 - New Kanzen Master JLPT Level 2 Reading Comprehension The book is aimed at those planning to take the N2 level of the Ja...
Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node.js New Open Source Tools for Location Data Today's mobile devices have GPS and standard ...
CoffeeScript Programming with jQuery, Rails, and Node.js Learn CoffeeScript programming with the three most popular web technologies ar...
Node.js for PHP Developers Porting PHP to Node.js If you're an experienced PHP developer, you already have a head start on learnin...
Professional Node.js Building Javascript Based Scalable Software Node.js is a powerful and popular new framework for writing scalable ...
KANJI LOOK AND LEARN - 512 Kanji with Illustrations and Mnemonic Hints - Kanji can be easily learned through fun illustrations and mnem...
Face2Face Pre-intermediate Student’s Book | Workbook | Audio | CD-ROM Face2Face is a general English course for students who want to l...
Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever by Ray Kurzweil In Transcend, famed futurist Ray Kurzweil and his coauthor Terry Grossman, ...
The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau In The $100 Startu...
A History of the Jews - Paul Johnson Paul Johnson says that writing A History of the Jews was like writing a history of the world "...