Tuesday, May 28, 2013

 Operations Management 9th Edition PDF Download Ebook. 

William Stevenson offers up-to-date coverage of current topics and industry trends, while preserving the core concepts that have made the text the market leader in this course for over a decade. Stevenson’s careful explanations and approachable format support students in understanding the important operations management concepts as well as applying tools and methods with an emphasis on problem solving.

Through detailed examples and solved problems, short cases and readings on current issues facing businesses, and auto-gradable end of chapter problems and application-oriented assignments available in Connect Operations Management, students learn by doing, and the Eleventh Edition continues to offer more support for 'doing Operations' than any other.

The material in this book is intended as an introduction to the field of operations management. The topics covered include both strategic issues and practical applications. Among the topics are forecasting, product and service design, capacity planning, management of quality and quality control, inventory management, scheduling, supply chain management, and project management.

There are major pedagogical features designed to help students learn and understand the material. This section describes the key features of the book, the chapter elements, the supplements that are available for teaching the course, highlights of the eleventh edition, and suggested applications for classroom instruction.

The sequence of chapters has been changed to improve the flow. A tutorial has been added on working with the normal distribution. A list of key points has been added to every chapter. Linear programming is now a chapter rather than a chapter supplement, to allow more flexibility on when and where it is used. There is added emphasis on ethics in every chapter. Throughout the text, there are new, updated readings and photos to provide students with a motivating view of the critical importance of operations management today.

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