Tuesday, August 6, 2013

日本語能力試験N2予想問題集 Yosou Mondaishuu N2 (Book and 2 audio CD) 

This book is designed for the new JLPT test level N2. It includes one CD for the listening section (each problem in that section has a CD track reference number). Covers all sections of the test: Vocabulary, Kanji, Grammar, Reading, and Listening. There is a long essay at the beginning with questions and answers all about the new test. This is in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. If you are just starting to study for the test, you may want to begin with this book. If you finish the book and feel like you need more, you can always get a more extensive practice book like one of ALC's Gokaku Dekiru series. The answers to the questions and the listening comprehension script are in the back of the book.

Download links:

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